John Wesley Norton's BOOMCAST
Every two weeks John Wesley Norton of Boomstick Entertainment discusses whatever he feels like, the Entertainment Industry, Cigars, Hot Sauce, you know, all the good things in life. There will be celebrity guests and other interesting people from all across the nation. So join John as he blah blah blah. You get the point.
John Wesley Norton's BOOMCAST
John Wesley Norton
Season 1
Episode 6
On this episode of the BOOMCAST, we have LARRY THOMAS, who played the iconic role of THE SOUP NAZI on the classic television sitcom SEINFELD, along with many other roles. Larry discusses his career and opens the door a bit on the inner workings of Hollywood, working the convention circuit, and MORE! I think you will enjoy our far ranging conversation. Also, I discuss the SCOVILLE SCALE which is a measurement of heat in hot peppers. Interesting? I think so! So buckle up, and turn it up!
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