John Wesley Norton's BOOMCAST
Every two weeks John Wesley Norton of Boomstick Entertainment discusses whatever he feels like, the Entertainment Industry, Cigars, Hot Sauce, you know, all the good things in life. There will be celebrity guests and other interesting people from all across the nation. So join John as he blah blah blah. You get the point.
John Wesley Norton's BOOMCAST
John Wesley Norton
Season 1
Episode 14
On this episode the Cinema Saviors once again are tasked with helping the shadowy government organization known as the Movie Vault Project (MVP) choose 50% of all films made to lock away in the Doomsday Vault located under the mountains of Colorado. The Willis-Affleck asteroid is on it's way folks and not every film can survive. We are given 20 films and must choose 10 to send to the vault for safety, and 10 that will not survive for future generations. It's a tough job but someone has to do it! So let's do it!